Demo and Exercise

When the content of your topic has been approved, and the audio recorded, it will be returned to you so you can create the demo and exercise versions.

Voice-overs will be recorded in Interactive voice.

  1. Save a copy of the topic, including the audio tracks, as “[Name]_demo.”

Caution: From this point on, you are working in two, then three different versions.

In demo version:

  1. Enable mouse in each slide, and verify that the mouse click position is correct.

  2. Check timing of voice-over with other elements – e.g., highlights and mouse.  The mouse should start during the “The next step is to click…,” and take about two seconds to run.

  3. In click boxes, remove option to “Pause project until user clicks.”

  4. Test and proofread thoroughly.

In interactive version:

  1. Test and proofread thoroughly.

  2. Save copy of project as “[name]_exercise.”

In Exercise version

In the exercise version, each user action has a duplicate slide.  If the user clicks correctly, they skip over the duplicate slide to the next user action. If the user makes a mistake, however, they go to the next slide, which has a call-out text caption explaining what they should do.  This way, we award points for the correct click, but still allow the user to be told the correct answer and click again, while scoring no points when they are given the answer.)

  1. Rewrite text in left column.

  2. Remove highlights.

  3. Delete all audio except music from the Library list.

  4. Change the settings for user actions (click boxes, etc.) as follows.
    On the Click Box tab: Allow user: 1 attempt
    On the "Options tab: Clear the option for "failure caption"
    Apply Reporting (10 points unless otherwise requested by client).  
    image3.gif     image4.gif
    Apply to all.

  5. Verify that any "Continue" buttons have the "Include in Quiz" box cleared, and that they have "infinite attempts" checked.

  6. Duplicate all slides with user actions.

  7. In original slides, change "on success" to "Jump to slide" and select slide following the duplicate. Verify that "After last attempt" is set to "Next slide."

  8. In duplicate slides, clear the "Include in Quiz" box. (Do not use "Apply to All"–it will clear the scoring in the original slides as well.)

  9. Verify that in duplicate slides, the "On success" and "After last attempt" are set to "Next slide."

  10. In duplicate slides, create a call-out for each user action, using the text caption feature.

  11. Remove all voice-overs (delete the audio files) and add background audio to project if desired by client.

  12. Shorten the timeline  for each slide to 10 secs or less.

  13. Remove closing slide and unhide results slide.

  14. Remove unused components.

  15. Test and proofread thoroughly.
    Go through each exercise with all correct answers, then again with all incorrect answers.  The first time should result in a perfect score, the second with no score. This allows you to verify that the reporting is correct, and that all failure captions have been removed and all call-out captions added.  

In all versions:

    1. Check that the links in the opening and closing slides (other topics) are correct and work.

    2. Submit for final review of all sections.