Adding text

Before adding text for the first time, please read the section on Style and Terminology, including the link on CorrectTerminology.

Instructions in left column

The font for the text in the left column should be black, and left-aligned.  You may need to reset this before pasting.

The easiest way to enter the text in the left column is to copy and paste it from the "Text box" section of the outline, then edit it.

Keep sentences short and declarative.  In order to use the text for both the interactive and demo versions without further editing, the instructions should read, for example:

The next step is to click the 'Insert' tab.

The names of buttons, tabs, and other elements, should be enclosed in single quotes, as in the example above. They should follow the exact capitalization and spelling shown on the screen.

If there is no action for the user to take in the slide, add the "Continue" button at the bottom of the column, and tell the user to click it.

The next step is to click the 'Continue' button.

Failure Captions

By default, Captivate creates a call-out text caption for every user action.  This has been disabled in the template; instead, a failure caption is created for each action, with the caption type "Capensys," not the default "Adobe Red."  This is to allow users to find the answer for themselves; if the wrong action is taken, the failure caption appears.  If the preferences are set correctly, the failure captions with have the correct format by default.  If not, you may need to open the Properties and change the type to the appropriate call-out pointer, and possibly adjust the position of the caption afterwards.

Text in the failure caption should be in regular type, with the name of the element in bold, no quotation marks.

Help call-out captions

Text Captions (call-outs) should be used rarely in interactive and demo versions–only if there is a point to make that is not covered in the text box in the left column.  In the exercise, however, they are added in.  (See Conversion to Exercise.)