Capturing Screenshots

  1. Set the application screen to Captivate’s preset size “790×545 Browser”
    To size the application screen

  2. The actual capture size is 990×570, determined by the template, and shown in the Captivate capture dialog box.

  3. Set up a white background – a blank Notepad document works well - and position the application screen against it. This provides the white border at left and top for logo, text boxes, etc.

  4. Test the captures first. This can be done as you write the outline.  Make sure that no dialog boxes, menus, tooltips, etc., extend outside the boundaries of the application.  If necessary, reposition the screen and capture box against the edge of the screen to "force" these elements inside the boundaries of the application.  If the entire menu does not fit, use your best judgment as to which part of the menu to display, and if necessary, explain in the text.

  5. Starting after the last slide, record steps in ‘Training simulation” mode, with 990 x 570 size (determined by template).  To record in "Training simulation" mode, click the camera symbol at the side of the red capture box, and under "Mode," choose "Training simulation." The application screen goes in the bottom right corner of the capture area, and should be positioned carefully. (See screenshot.)

      it may be easier to re-position the application screen inside the red Captivate capture box than to re-position the capture box.

    Take lots of extra captures, especially if you are capturing remotely, and save a copy of the project as “[name]_backup,” in case you need the additional captures later.  Then you can safely delete the extra slides, backgrounds, etc. from the active version.

  6. You may find it easier to capture a sequence at a time, not the entire topic. The best place to stop is when the screen changes, e.g., from Outlook to Word. If a dialog box is too large or out of position, pause the capture (Preference default is the "Pause" key), then reposition the screen or dialog box and press the Pause key again to restart capturing.

  7. Save project as "[name]_interactive."