
Before sending the completed topic for approval, test and proofread thoroughly. The template makes this much easier, but you should still review each topic carefully.

Here are some suggestions for review and proofreading.

Run the spelling checker, in both British English and American English.  )Change the setting in Edit>Preferences>Global>Spelling Preferences.)  If you find any discrepancies between the two, see if there is a way to rewrite the text to avoid them.

Check the click boxes and other events for these settings.  

Check that everything, including captions, graphics, and text boxes, is set for "no transition."

Test keystrokes carefully in the browser.  Some keystrokes, like F1 for Help, Ctr;+N for a new window, and Esc., will not work in the simulation–they will bring up the browser function instead.  In these cases, explain in the text of the slide, e.g.:

The next step is to click the 'Help' button.  On your desktop, you could also press the F1 key for Help, but not in this simulation.
