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LMP Numbering: Edit All Levels

Changing the formatting of Native Word outline numbering requires the editing of each heading style.  Legal MacPac Numbering has a feature called Edit All Levels that allows you to reformat your entire outline in a few short steps.

1.     Click the MacPac Numbering tab on the ribbon.
2.     To change the alignment of all the headings in your outline, click the Alignment button In the Edit All Levels group.
3.     To change the indentation of all the headings in your outline, click the Indents button in the Edit All Levels group.
4.     To change the line spacing of all the headings in your outline, click the Line Spacing button in the Edit All Levels group.
5.     You can also change the font for all the headings in your outline, but you may want to consider changing the Normal Style font in order to ensure that all paragraphs in the document hold the new font formatting.