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LMP Numbering: Format Run-In Headings

Use the Mark & Format All feature to apply formatting to run-in headings in MacPac outlines.

1.     Click the MacPac Numbering tab on the ribbon.
2.     Click the Mark & Format All button.
3.     In the Mark/Format All First Sentences dialog box, select the run–in heading level to be formatted.
4.     Under Actions, select Format Headings.
5.     Under Apply To, select 'All Schemes.’

If a document has multiple schemes you can choose which scheme's headings to format.
6.     Define the Sentence Definition, which is where the run-in heading formatting will end in each paragraph.
7.     Click the arrow under Scope and choose to format headings throughout the entire document, the current section, or a selected portion of the document.
8.     Click OK to apply the formatting.